Tenkara Rod Reviews: Essential DIY Tests
What makes a great tenkara rod? How can you make an informed buying decision for yourself? It isn’t surprising that these questions are difficult for anyone to answer outside Japan. This post shows you how to quickly conduct your own tenkara rod reviews so you don’t have to rely on other folks’ opinions. For a complete analysis of tenkara rod characteristics and brands (modern and historic): Check out this page.
Now let’s find out why high quality rods make life so much easier for you…

So staying true to our core values of seeking out True expertise from the very source of any subject: we have benefited from a massive amount of generous help over the last three years. Now we are in a position to share the ways that elite Japanese tenkara anglers rigorously test all their own rods…
Why do your own Tenkara Rod Reviews?
We want every single tenkara angler to have the best possible chance of having an awesome experience with tenkara. It is good for everyone – anglers and, of course, our own tenkara business!
I’m not surprised, though, that until now no manufacturers or gear suppliers have provided you with the insider information on how to tell a great tenkara rod from an average one. First of all, it is very forgivable because this is really difficult/secret information known only to a handful of expert practitioners.
Secondly, all rod development is (or should be) a continual process of improvement and it takes a hell of a lot of confidence in your own product to take the risk of giving customers the means to objectively test all aspects of performance and blank construction.
But we are always trying to provide you with the resources and information that we’d like to have ourselves from the industry. In so many things, we are just incredibly lucky to have been given support, information, training and friendship from the cream of the Japanese tenkara community.
It is our duty to help them share that information as accurately and as widely as possible (and to hold ourselves to account in our search for continued development and improvement of all aspects of our tenkara “game” and any products that we use and sell).
I know that as well as Discover Tenkara, there may be other manufacturers and suppliers who will be really happy and confident in their customers assessing their rods alongside any of the best in the world. But nobody else has taken the step of arming their customers with such a complete way of exposing the major flaws in any tenkara rod on the planet before.
Check out your FREE insider Top 10 Tests below (available to download on link at the bottom of the post too):
Insider Tests: Your Ultimate Tenkara Rod Consumer Guide from Paul Gaskell
Paul & JP
Really excellent piece on sorting the wheat from the chaff.
As you state, with no rings a tenkara rod needs to function throughout the full 360*, no easy feat.
So pleased you touched on the weight/ perceived weight topic, a tiny fraction of counter balance can make a huge improvement on how a rod behaves with no discernible difference ‘in hand’.
The test you did leave out was the agricultural one JP used in the fishery car park…..if it feels like a rod is going to fail it probably will.
Cheers Glenn, and how could I forget the Break it like Matchwood car park test!