Revealed... the Secrets of Bringing Your Flies to Life & Convincing more Fish to Strike

Manipulations Vol.1: An Online Course to Multiply the Power of your Existing Fly Box - without Adding Extra Gear or Fly Patterns (whatever rod/reel/fly you use)
Whether you fish dry flies, nymphs, streamers, wet flies (and whether you fish tenkara gear or "rod and reel")...

Paul Gaskell
Sasoi Addict
Bring your flies to life with tried and tested fly manipulation tactics known as “sasoi” in Japan.
By controlling & changing the enticing movements added to dry flies, nymphs, streamers & Japanese kebari, we've found it possible to turn unresponsive fish into memorable captures
- See how you could use these skills in your own fishing by completing a total of 4 Modules
- Delivered as 17 straightforward lessons in this unique online multi-media course which centres around a feature-length video showcasing and breaking down 6 of the best, little-known tactics of fly manipulation
- PLUS when and where to use each tactic & how to match them to specific fly-design features (and how to tie a simple set of flies with those exact features)
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Quick-view Highlights
Feature-length Video Training
Reveals 6 special manipulation tactics - demonstrated on-stream (plus sports-coaching style "chalkboard" diagrams - as well as "Proof of the Pudding" real fishing captures)
17-lesson Illustrated Course
Ensuring you can easily put the video training into practice, we lay out how to absorb these skills - so they are always at your fingertips (which means you're much more likely to succeed on stream)
Proven Fly Patterns
12 Proven fly patterns (and how to tie them); so you'll have one less variable to worry about. Order now to lock in this bonus content
Live TV broadcast from Japan
Seat of the pants/stress-testing of tenkara presentation skills recorded LIVE while broadcasting globally
Getting "spanked" on stream by others using these tactics made me determined to learn them for myself...

Ajari following me upriver in 2014 & catching more fish
Our first research trip to Japan in 2014 quickly taught us that we needed something more than simple "induced take" sweeps, jigging the flies or Leisenring Lift technique in our skill-set (as good as those tactics are).
Despite my successful competition fly fishing experience, Japanese Angler Kazumi Saigo (AKA "Ajari") landed 17 fish in a short evening session (fishing up behind us - pictured above during that actual session)
In that same time, JP and myself managed maybe 6 fish between us...
Fast forward from 2014 and I now regularly apply those lessons and manipulation tactics to all areas of my fly fishing back at home - to great effect (well, better late than never as they say!)
Get instant access to Manipulations Volume 1 Now!
As soon as you enroll (with one-time payment of $49.99 USD), you'll be sent your instant-access details and a link to log in to your course area within the Online Fishing Discoveries Academy.
Once logged in you'll be able to navigate to any of the video or illustrated-text lessons in your course and start adding these skills at your own pace and without being overwhelmed.
You are protected by our 3-month 100% money-back guarantee - so you can try out the full course, risk-free right away:

What our customers are saying:

"It is the wisest investment you can make for your angling success with Tenkara..."
Manipulations Vol 1 has given me a whole toolbox of presentations that have reinvigorated my love of the sport. It has been absolutely crucial in helping me catch more fish, but moreover, I have a lot more fun actively fooling fish with the manipulation techniques. It is the wisest investment you can make for your angling success with Tenkara.

It reminded me of what I miss when only dead drifting...
What I loved about Manipulations Vol. 1 was that it reminded me of what I miss when only dead drifting. There is so much more to it than the dead drift (which does work really well) and Vol. 1 really shows and explains the how and why. The only other place to potentially learn these tactics is at the side of a Japanese master on-stream - such as at "Oni School".
DAVID NOLL // Minnesota
Manipulations Vol.1 Overview
Here's what you get inside your course:
- 1Introduction/Lesson 1 Explains why the "personalities" of fish caused there to be so many different tactics for manipulating your flies (and why it is important to have a sliding-scale of options)
- 2Lesson 2: Main Feature Video (1hr 11mins). Complete video-breakdown of the 6 fundamental manipulation skills covered in this course - USING BOTH TENKARA GEAR & REGULAR FLY ROD & REEL Examples - including on-stream demonstrations and "proof-of-pudding" fish captures ; animated diagrams and illustrated walk-through discussions on compatible fly characteristics (we are told this video is worth the entry price on its own)
- 3Lesson 3: Fundamentals of Rigs and Practice Drills. To ensure everyone is on the same page and to give you the very best chance of setting yourself up for success while trying out the skills taught in the video content
- 4Lessons 4-11: Eight Bitesize Tutorials on Manipulation Tactics and Drills. Covering the manipulation tactics Dead Drift, Upstream Sasoi, Yokobiki, Line-sailing, Ashtapazuri (or "pon-pon"), Gyakubiki plus Two extra lessons on getting creative when breaking or following the main guideline rules as well as how to get the best of your on-stream practice...PLUS
- 5Bonus #1: 12 Step-by-Step Tying Demonstrations. Showing you how to make a dozen perfect-partner fly patterns with characteristics matched to the manipulation tactics taught in this course
- 6Bonus #2. Recorded Live On-stream. Watch us flying by the seat of our pants in the recording of our live, global broadcast from Japan using fly manipulation and presentation tactics on stream as part of World Fishing Day
Paul Gaskell // Author
John Pearson // Videographer
John (left) and Paul (right) have made repeated, annual trips to Japan to research and apply the skills of "sasoi" (fly manipulation) since 2014.
Paul & John
Join our Happy Customers

I’ve witnessed, first and second hand, seemingly dead areas of river and uncooperative fish transformed by a manipulated kebari
If you’ve taken the plunge into the world of tenkara, (or have a rod and reel) it’s the logical move to use your equipment to its full extent…….welcome to the rich world of manipulation!
You already have the tools in your hand, all you need is the knowledge and experience to use them.
Paul and JP can give you the knowledge, gaining the experience is a reason to get out there.
I’ve witnessed, first and second hand, seemingly dead areas of river and uncooperative fish transformed by a manipulated kebari.
Manipulations Vol. 1 will give you a great introduction into these fascinating techniques which bring your kebari and flies to life.
Take a peak behind the magician’s curtain and see how it’s really done.
Glenn Smithson // Suffolk, UK
The Best Time to Gain these Skills is Now!
Get instant access to this multimedia course so the next time you fish you'll be able to multiply the effect of all the flies in your box.
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100% Satisfaction Guarantee
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. Use the product for 3 months and, if you're not completely satisfied, just email us & we'll give you a polite and no-quibble full refund.
Paul Gaskell & John Pearson
Frequently Asked Questions
As soon as the one-time payment is confirmed, your login credentials will be emailed to you at your chosen address (you can change your password and email details after your first login). On your first login after enrolling, your details will be pre-entered for you - but do make sure you file your login details email where you can find it in future!
QUALITY time on the water is the key. Is it a bad idea to turn up already armed with tried & tested tactics (refined by generations of talented anglers)? To me that seems like a good way to make the most of precious fishing time.
Dead drift is an essential building block - which is why it's included in the course. When fish are feeding well, it may even be all you need. But there are plenty of days where unresponsive fish will suddenly be triggered by the right manipulation tactic - even with dry flies (while ignoring naturally-drifted offerings)
We only want you to be a satisfied customer - so if for whatever reason you find that the course isn't for you - just email me (Paul) on for a prompt and polite refund of your full purchase amount.
Having multiple additional options to create different "offers" to a fish for any fly that you are using (whether dry, wet, nymph, streamer or lure) should be a powerful advantage. Of course, there is no such thing as a guaranteed fly fishing method!
Beware anyone trying to sell you such a thing!
However, giving every fly you own multiple different ways to succeed seems like a very sound strategy to us. That approach has certainly transformed dead or very quiet sessions into memorable captures on many occasions in our own fishing.
The course is taught entirely online. You gain access to your own exclusive website "members' area" which contains video, text and static images that explain the tactics and show them in use in real fishing situations. For the video content, we also provide the opportunity to download each video as an offline "MP4" file for viewing offline.
Obviously we would consider it essential for keen tenkara anglers. However, when you're fishing with regular fly rod & reel we also think you'd be missing a huge trick by not applying these tactics to any fly that you fish. In the end, it is for fly anglers who want to add that little extra magic to the flies AFTER they've been tied onto the tippet
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